Alan Simpson



On this page clicking any heading expands the content under that heading. Any open section is also collapsed. That's the difference between and accordion, like this, and a collapsible panel. On this one the transition is instant because it's tough to get an animated effect with % heights. You can use jQuery if you need it to be more animated.

First item with clickable top

Donut carrot cake bonbon. Oat cake candy canes lollipop tiramisu. Jelly beans apple pie tart chocolate cake sweet roll cupcake jelly. Cotton candy chupa chups jelly topping cake carrot cake caramels. Topping gummies ice cream. Cotton candy sesame snaps lollipop gummi bears carrot cake sweet roll. Tootsie roll powder pie pastry gummies toffee marshmallow. Halvah macaroon powder danish. Macaroon wafer topping apple pie. Cake tootsie roll fruitcake chocolate cake chupa chups marzipan gummies. Apple pie chupa chups pastry pudding halvah. Cake biscuit chocolate cake jujubes biscuit lemon drops jelly jelly-o tiramisu. Lemon drops apple pie sweet croissant. Pie cheesecake liquorice.

Cheesecake marzipan apple pie cake pie ice cream. Sesame snaps muffin sugar plum. Candy powder gingerbread jelly candy canes chupa chups.

Second item with clickable top

Marzipan cotton candy gingerbread marshmallow powder. Chocolate cake sweet chupa chups jelly beans chocolate bar. Powder fruitcake sugar plum cupcake dragée jelly-o lemon drops candy canes sesame snaps. Since I'm using p for rhis element, multiple paragraphs here can be separated by to br tags.

Croissant cupcake cheesecake tootsie roll cupcake lollipop sweet roll tart. Cheesecake icing apple pie macaroon bear claw oat cake dessert cotton candy. Wafer donut topping tiramisu macaroon cookie wafer.

Clickable Top the Third

Brownie candy pudding tiramisu donut muffin. Gingerbread powder chupa chups. Pie jelly cupcake bonbon jelly. Sweet roll lemon drops danish chupa chups tiramisu halvah icing cake candy.

Cuarta Parte Superior Clickable

This part that slides up and down

Clickable Top Number 5

Caramels cheesecake gingerbread lemon drops macaroon brownie cotton candy. Toffee gummies sweet halvah. Chocolate cake cotton candy marzipan cake topping halvah sesame snaps marzipan sweet roll. Chocolate jelly-o jelly cheesecake dragée pudding cupcake.
