Alan Simpson


Show Code in your Web Page

If you want to show actual HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code on your page, as a coding example, an easy way is to convert all of the < characters to &lt;, and convert all of the > to &gt;, and so forth. Of course, that would be a pain to do by hand. So instead you can paste your sample code into the box below. Then click the Go. You'' see some weird looking content below the button. Copy / paste that goofy-looking stuff into your page, save the page, the open it in a browser. In the browser the goofy-looking stuff should look like your original code.

Your Original Code

Okay, thanks. Now you can copy / paste the weird-looking stuff below into your HTML page, anywhere between the <body>...</body> tags, wherever you want to show the code example. In the browser it will look like normal HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
